Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Comparative: A Story

A story's never fully explained. Even if you have all participating parties telling you what happened, they'll only tell you what happened the way they thought it happened. There'll always be pieces that they're hiding. It takes two to create a problem, it takes one to completely mess it up and make it more than what it really is. To be that open to tell someone a story about love, about someone you love, or loved. It takes an amount of courage to be that vulnerable to people, even to the one you love.

Can we ever be entirely open to someone though? Yes, because that's what an aspect of love is. Being open, being vulnerable, being in a position where you're letting someone have the authority to judge you, but the way they show their love in return, is not judging and accepting. When a love becomes crippled and your heart has been hurt is really where the story's changed and never fully told. No one ever wants to show or say that they were hurt the way they were, but you need that break. That snap in the mind where you just lose it and say, "Fuck everything I want you back."

All this emotion is what makes us human. We wouldn't be able to really live life without the hurt because without it we wouldn't be able to eventually know that that box of darkness was a gift. Light can only come out of darkness. Love can only come out of hate. Bravery can only come out of fear. Peace can only come out of chaos and a fixed heart can only come from a broken one. A story's never fully told but it's your story...and the way you tell it is what matters most.

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