Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I Don't Know

       My heart couldn't stop pounding, I couldn't believe it. I was so happy he asked me out. Carter asked me if I wanted to visit him and hang out. We were talking about a bunch of things to do not knowing if we'd actually get to do them so we just made it into a list and added other random things things like eating cereal and me recording him while he's drunk...don't ask.
       "Is Marvel better than DC?" I asked.
       "Yes, but DC has some goo animated shit."
       "Why does it have to be Batman though? I wanna watch Catwoman."
       "Batman first. Trust me, those ones are the best." Carter insisted.
       "Guess I'll find out soon enough." I was actually looking forward to watching Batman because I am a comic nerd thanks to my older brother.
       "Yeah, you'll love 'em, and don't forget the list."
       "Oh I already wrote it down, babe. Already wrote it down. This is going to be the most random day ever." I said.
       "Not really because I'm random and you're sure as hell random, so two random people, although we don't seem random to each other; doing random activities that aren't really random to us; it's just another normal day." Carter explained. There was an extremely long semi-awkward pause.
       "I'm not that random am I?" I knew I was a little bit out there.
       "A girl who thinks of things on the fly, does weird shit out of nowhere with no method or conscious decision, you my dear are the definition of random."
       "Awww thanks Carter, you're pretty random yourself."
       "Grazie." I could hear him smiling through the phone. Carter and I have been in this "thing" for almost a year now. I don't know what to call it, but we text like we're together, we make plans to see each other every chance we get,we flirt like nobody's business, but we're not together. I'm not seeing anyone else and neither is Carter, but I think the only thing that's keeping us from making it official is 63.9 miles. I guess if we really thought it could work, we would consider ourselves to be in a relationship, but I don't know.

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